Lost Mansun Album ‘The Dead Flowers Reject’ Gets A Wide Release!

In a perfect world, every band we love who left too quickly would have a perfect album in their back pocket that we’d all talk about before getting a release decades later. Luckily, Mansun have always played by their own rules and when they released their batshit crazy (and best, obvs) sophomore album Six, they were so unsure as to whether the record company would accept it that they had a back-up collection ready to go instead. This was The Dead Flowers Reject and was whispered about in Mansun world long before we had social media to discuss such things on.

The songs slowly dripped out on the classic Mansun EPs but in 2020 we finally got the album as intended, for Record Store Day on white vinyl and I jumped straight on it. Needless to say, it is a beautiful record, equal to the three albums we got during their lifetime and the fourth (Kleptomania) that arrived after the event. Now, you can get the album on black vinyl and CD by itself, I cannot recommend it enough, ‘but you bought a 25 disc boxset so perhaps you like this band more than…’, nope no gatekeeping here, this is a classic album that I am glad people get to hear, rather than listening to me chat about or share the Spotify playlist I made to give you the album, but that is still up there if you need to hear before you buy. ❤

This is among my very favourite Mansun songs and yeah, that’s a big list but this is near the tippy top.

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