Kendall Loves…The Stunning Joker Folie A Deux Trailer :

If you have been snuffling for truffles about one of the most anticipated sequels this year as I have, you would have discovered in earlier interviews that Joker Folie A Deux is set to be a jukebox musical. What this means is that it uses already well known songs throughout its story, although I would also expect a couple of new Gaga songs, because you’d do that if you had the singer in your film, right? The trailer brilliantly uses a Bacharach/David classic and sees the prison guards saying “It’s showtime!” and asking Fleck if he has a joke for them. The stage is set for a world that is a stage – it makes perfect sense to me, especially in the mental hospital environment where everyone lives in their own little world just to get through the day. If music is your thing, then in that situation it becomes literally the only thing keeping you going.

Buuuuut…The Internet is mad. It’s cool if you just don’t like musicals, that is just a taste thing, but suggesting things like this has enraged me, I’m not picking on this one dude, his was just the first idiotic take I read before writing this and trust me there are thousands of them :

Well…Er, imagine how Matt’s brain is going to explode when he realises that Gotham is run by a guy who is a PENGUIN and that it is saved by a man who dresses up as a bat! A guy who dresses as a harlequin is his nemesis. I wonder if such ‘commentators’ also turned off Tim Burton’s film when Nicholson started dancing to Prince songs or objected to a pure pop soundtrack? Again, if it is just not your style of movie, fair enough, but suggesting that a COMICBOOK MOVIE MAKES ZERO SENSE is going to cause you all kinds of trouble when you see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Transformers…Also the tagline is quite literally ‘The World Is A Stage’.

Me, I love this first look at the sequel to one of my favourite films ever, my favourite actor and an actress who knocked it out of the park in A Star Is Born and seems born to play this role.

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